To all past, present, or future blogging friends, I do apologize for my absence for the last several months. I can hardly believe its been so long! I have wanted to keep the blog going, but it has been difficult to keep busy with our business, being a mama of 8, working our shop, etc!
Our winter show season did indeed begin in November and we had two busy months of Craft bazaar season. Also in December our beautiful daughter Haylee married a wonderful young man Christopher and they are now living their happily ever after :) ! In January our daughter Harmony moved to Juneau Alaska for the legislative sessioin and is now living in Eagle River. Our little grandson Nathan is growing up fast and will already be a year old in August!
After breaking weather records for the latest snowfall on May 18th, we are now broken records for the hottest summer weather. We have enjoyed a quite unusual Alaska Summer with the temperatures in the high 70’s-80’s and our beautiful sunshine is continuing late into July, with not many days of rain!
As of June 1st our store location has moved, which I will share more on in another post! We are now in with 3 other businesses and share square footage and days to work, right now our day is Wednesdays. I hope to be able to be back at blogging and create posts here at the shop!
I am very pleased to see the blog to life again and hope we can keep up with it a little better (especially now that dear daughter Hannah has offered to help me with the blog :) )!
Hope you all take a moment today to have a glad heart :)