Friday, October 05, 2012

Make It Alaskan Festival Postponed…


Due to an emergency repair to the Sullivan Arena the Annual Make it Alaskan Festival that was to take place this weekend (Oct. 5th, 6th, & 7th)  has been postponed until November 2nd, 3rd & 4th when it will be held at the Sullivan Arena once again.

We hope to see all of you then!

Thursday, October 04, 2012

First Snow of the Season

We woke up the other day to a blanket of white outside our windows!

winter01 By mid-afternoon it had all melted, but gave us all a friendly reminder that winter is just around the corner!

winter02 There remains only a few leaves on the lower bushes and the trees are empty, awaiting their long and heavy winter load.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Pictures of Fall at the Shop

fall'12 01

fall'12 02 Our Limited Edition Serendipity Soap!

fall'12 03 fall'12 04 Our Upstairs nook is now open!

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Vera Tote Special

August 7-9th Vera Tote Special in honor of Vera Bradley’s birthday  :) Normally $86 but for these 3 days now $68.

veratoteFeatures:  Roomy interior, 6 pockets and a sturdy base as well as an outer zip pocket, key clip and tortoise toggle closure.

veratotecolors Available in a variety of popular patterns, limited to stock on hand.

Tote your stuff in style :)

Monday, August 06, 2012


Our very first grandchild

Baby nathaniel Nathaniel Paul Carter ~ isn’t that a nice name and isn’t he the most beautiful baby ever? It was love at first sight.

So with ‘baby on the brain’ let’s look at a few pictures from around the shop… Our Baby Section is one that we plan to keep adding to and expanding. It’s hard not to with such sweet inspiration as Nathaniel around ;)

Baby Section

BTB Musical

These are musical :)

BBTB Closeup

So soft, squishy and cute!!

Owl Toys

Made in the USA lil’ stuffed owls

We also have locally made onesies, crocheted headbands and much more…keep checking back, we have some really great stuff coming in.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Freedom~ Sunday Blessing

My favorite quote regarding freedom…


“Freedom is not the right to do what we want, but the power to do what we ought.”

Friday, July 13, 2012

Vera Bradley Launch

The summer skies here have been a bit overcast lately but it is sunny & bright in the shop…

the 3 new patterns of Vera Bradley have arrived!


The 3 new patterns are: Indigo Pop, Va Va Bloom and Paisley Meets Plaid. It’s hard to pick a favorite, they are all awesome!


Our full, happy Vera room :)


And our full Vera sale cabinets… get your favorite discontinued Vera Bradley pattern or style before it’s gone for good…

Cranberry Cottage is open Monday – Saturday 10-6 pm.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May Shop Pictures


table soaps  misc bathsalts

shaving mugs on display

Handmade Shaving Mugs made in the USA!

shaving mugs2shaving mugs birdhouses

Beautiful Locally Handcrafted Birdhouses!

birdhouse   birdhouse2

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blog Woes

Chocolate Strength I am a self taught blogger and I know that I would love posting almost daily if I could get the hang of my blogging program (as well as my photo program, ugh) but I am having issues. Constantly. I have been working on a post for DAYS, a very simple little thing with only 2 pictures and I cannot get it to post correctly. I am frustrated.

If there was any chocolate in sight right now I am pretty sure I would eat, no inhale, the whole thing.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day~

Happy Mother’s Day to our

lovely Mother!!

We hope you had a

splendid day!


We love you very much!

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

New Furniture & Exposure

Here are a couple new pieces of furniture that we have. Most of the furniture that we sell is vintage/antique finds that a local lady repairs (if needed), sands, paints and all together makes beautiful. :)



This pink cupboard is solid and very sturdy. It has the best chunky crystal knobs and shelves as well as an inside drawer. Great piece!! $295


This is a primitive styled corner hutch that can fit into almost any room and any style. I am so tempted to take this one home. $295

We have many more pieces of furniture available and our selection is always changing.

Also… be sure to watch Inside Edition tonight (4:30 pm AKST channel 5) for a glimpse into our shop!!  The tv crew was here last week filming and we are so excited (and thankful!!) for the national exposure :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

May Day


Happy May Day!

A bit cool and blustery here but May 1st none-the-less :)

Does anyone remember as a child putting flowers on people’s porches, ringing the doorbell and running to hide? It is a lovely tradition that should be reinstated.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Laugh in Flowers

“The earth laughs in flowers.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Geranium1 I overwintered this baby!! At one point it was a inch high little stick that didn’t look like much, certainly not like it would eventually grow into this beauty!

Last summer I had 2 of these Geraniums growing in the kitchen windowsill. They still sat there come fall and there they remained all winter until 1 of them froze. This one didn’t look so good for awhile but now look at it :)  Geranium2Geraniumandsun

This is my favorite picture, capturing the sun and the flower.

It gives me a “ gladheart ” :)

 (Photos taken by my dear daughter Hannah)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Blessing


grassEarth Day 2012

“A Psalm of David. The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”

Psalm 24:1

(the beginnings of green grass after a record snowfall this past winter!)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Earth Day

While  technically Earth Day is celebrated tomorrow, we are have the following offer at Cranberry Cottage, today only (Saturday April 21st).

shoppe tote 1


Aren’t these the best ever ?!

And while you are here, be sure to check to out rest of the shop… we have lots of earth friendly things including our very own Gladheart Acres soaps and bath bliss :)

Black Tea Soap

Our new Tea Leaves soap, freshly poured in the mold, sprinkled with organic black tea.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Vintage Quilt

This beautiful vintage quilt is for sale at Cranberry Cottage, only $150.00… a true bargain for this cottage treasure.

VintageQuilt The colors are a little washed out in the picture, and the background is not quite as blue as seen here but rather a spring green.

VintageQuiltCloseUp Lovely.


Just look at that wonderful scalloped edging and the fine stitch details.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Toast and Tea

One of my very favorite things is toast and tea. Repasting on them always puts me in a better mood, even if only for a moment. I prefer my toast with natural peanut butter and a light spreading of a natural jam. And my tea must always be black.

Ahhhh, bliss. Anytime. Anyplace.

DSCN0186 “Bread and water can so easily be toast and tea”. 

~Author Unknown

(All items are for sale at Cranberry Cottage including the sweet little blue desk that you only see a bit of here.)

Saturday, April 07, 2012

April Showers…

…have come in the form of snow!!

I was surprised to wake up this morning and find about 3” of freshly fallen snow on our porch. I also drove over to my parents house and promptly got stuck in their driveway… I guess our winter woes aren’t quite over yet. Never-the-less, I love snow and am enjoying watching it fall down in big fluffy flakes.




FYI:  As of 10 a.m. AKDT, April 7, 1.5" of new snow has fallen since midnight in Anchorage.
This brings the 2011-2012 seasonal snow total to 131.7 inches. The record seasonal snowfall total is 132.6 inches set in 1954-1955. This means that we 0.9 inches away from tying the record and exactly 1.0 inch from setting a new record. With the snow that keeps falling, it looks like we will be setting a new record :)

*Happy April 7th*

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Shop (Cranberry Cottage) Pictures

always kiss





