From holiday to holiday or just month to month one of our favorite things to do in our shop is change around our front table display. This month it has been filled with delightful products with the theme of a winter wonderland!! However as January passes into February and Valentines approaches men will need the perfect gift to give to their sweethearts. We will be moving from our *winter bliss* into our *Valentine bliss*, which will be a beautiful display of handmade products that will give you an excuse for a delightful shopping trip!!
We thought we would share with you a few photos from our display as it sits right now, but remember these amazing items won’t be out front for much longer, so come on by and treat yourself to any of these products…a lovely eucalyptus candle for a perfect breath of winter scents, or perhaps a bottle of delicious blueberry syrup for your warm pancakes, or perhaps a nice scarf or warm mittens to help keep out of the cold, or maybe a beautiful apron for that last winter open house, or wonderful winter greeting cards and envelopes, or some of the few last adorable snowmen to warm your home with thoughts of winter fun times…any items you need to make the last few months of winter just the best and most enjoyable ever!!!
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