Monday, August 01, 2011

Iced Coffee and Lotion

Last week I discovered a really good iced coffee recipe which was perfect for keeping me charged up for all the fresh lotions I had to make. <smile>

iced coffeeThis is a delicious iced coffee recipe. Straining the cold brew coffee took patience and time but it was soooo worth it. I also did what one commenter suggested and re-used the coffee grounds a second time. It worked perfectly. And go ahead and play with your ratios of coffee and the sweet cream, as you can see I like more cream than coffee! juicypinklotion And speaking of yummy-ness...our newest lotion scent is Juicy Pink. To me it smells like a blend of puckering grapefruit and tropical papaya ... my mouth watered just making it! All of  the testers here at home LOVED it! I hope to make this scent in sugar scrubs also... yum!

beehives I showed you the iced coffee I drank while making lotions, a picture of the lotions, so I thought I would also share a view of what I look at while making the lotions... rough, isn't it? <smile>


Hannah said...

Thank you so much for making the coffee was SO delicious:)
And I love the Juicy Pink lotion!!
Love you, ~Hannah

Heather said...

Sounds like a wonderful day!! =) can't wait to smell that new lotion! and that iced coffee... MMMMM. Love you guys!! Mama, your blog is looking great!! <3