There are 2 things we have always been told not to talk about: religion and politics. Well I have never paid much mind to the rule regarding religion (which by the way, I like to refer to as ‘relationship’ as in my relationship with God Himself…how awesome is that ?!?) … faith is interwoven into my very being and I am so very thankful. Buuut… regarding politics, I can usually avoid getting into passionate debates even though I myself have some very precise and pointed opinions regarding the subject :) But I must mention that last night some of my older girls & I went to a Meet & Greet with Joe Miller who is running for US Senate. He is a Christian, a Constitutionalist and an Alaskan… in otherwards, a wonderful candidate. Impressive.
Please check out his website
Also in other exciting news… at the above mentioned Meet & Greet we met 2 lovely sisters from the Alaskan bush village of Galena. They happen to be Gladheart gals (aka customers :) ) and they told us of an interesting and unique use for our Vanilla lotion…apparently vanilla is a gnat deterrent (and the bush is full of the nasty little biters). Simply slather yourself with our Vanilla lotion and the gnats will hover about but not land. And of course, it’s deet free :) However we cannot promise that our Vanilla lotion will keep anything else away :)
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